This article provides resources for authors new to writing children’s books — whether it be a picture book, chapter book, or middle grade novel.
This article provides resources for authors new to writing children’s books — whether it be a picture book, chapter book, or middle grade novel.
Understanding how to find a children’s book editor is a key step when producing a strong piece of children’s literature in the hopes of publishing your book.
In this article I will draw back the curtain on how to write a query letter, leaving you with the right tools to craft your correspondence and query your children’s book with confidence.
Writing a children’s book is a fun and rewarding experience. In his article you will learn how to write a children’s book by following 5 steps for success.
This article provides step by step guidance on how to write a picture book from children’s book editor Jenny Bowman.
In this article we will learn how to write middle grade fiction and why this children’s book format is flourishing today.